For more than three years now my daughters have studied kenpo karate at one of Seattle's premiere martial arts schools, Alpha Martial Arts. Owner Chris Herrman and his team of instructors are helping my daughters grow into courteous, confident, and compassionate leaders -- thank you!
Laria and Addie earned spots on the school's junior demo team (AMA Wolfpack) that performs at city-wide events throughout the year. I thought I'd share this video from a recent performance at the University of Washington Women's Basketball game. Laria and Addie perform the fan routine. I hope you enjoy -- I did, but then again I'm a little biased. Cheers!
Click on this link to watch the video: AMA Wolfpack UW Basketball Demo 01/14/11 . Addie and Laria are standing in the front row (on the left) at the beginning of the video.
I have a massive smile after watching the girls perform! Three years zipped by. How proud you all must feel of their accomplishments as martial artists. Ruby told me last summer that this school year was to be her time for getting into martial arts. That has NOT proven to be the case. A massive congratulations to the girls!